On this day in history on January 28, 1986 the United States had one of its worst tragedies that was seen by millions of people. The space shuttle was supposed to take off on January 23 but it was changed and so they had to wait six long days for the Challenger‘s to be launched. The reason it was delayed was because of weather and also technical problems. Then finally on day it was much on January 28 the shuttle took off. On this day the space shuttle Challenger took off from Cape Canaveral Florida and about two minutes later from its take off hundreds of people that wore on the ground and millions on live tv and even there family and friends saw how the shuttle got on fire and lots of smoke started coming out of the shuttle and blowing into millions of pieces in the middle of the area. In the space shuttle there wore 7 passengers. In those 7 passengers was Christa McAuliffe who she was going to becoming the first U.S. civilian to travel into space and McAuliffe also who she was a high school social studies teacher from New Hampshire. McAuliffe to won a competition that gave her a place and be one of the 7 member crew of the Challenger. But in reality she had just won her self a ticket to her death. However a few months before they took McAuliffe was put in shuttle training so she could be prepared for the trip. This tragedy left no survivors all 7 of the passenger blow up into a million of pieces with out leaving any sign of them.
This affected the people in many way. One way it affected them is because they saw the death of innocent people. It was so unexpected and it could have effected the life of many people who saw this. It probably hurt the most their families because they couldn't do anything to save them but just watch and see them fall in a million pieces. This also affected the company because of law suit from family members. However this scared many people and they didn't want to send people up to salve for a while.
One way this affects us is because of this tragedy only professional go up to space. This means that I can't win a trip to space like the history teacher did. This also affects us in the way that it has become part of our history and many keep this people in their memories. However the main reason it affects me is because I have to write a essay about this for a weekly grade. Also because it gets me scared and makes me not want to be a astronaut because I don't want the space shuttle to blow up while I'm in the middle of the air. This also make me feel bad for the people that had to see this and the family of the affected ones.
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