On this day in history on February 7 1876 it was when 29 year old Scottish guy named Alexander Graham Bell was finally able to receives a patent to be able to create his investigation witch it became a revolutionary invention of the new telephone. When Alexander Graham Bell was in Boston he became very interested in the possibility of transmitting speech over wires so people can speak to theirs easier. He was able to accomplish this with the help of a famous guy named Thomas Watson how was a machine shop employee. But hree days after it was made the telephone carried its first message the famous “Mr. Watson, come here, I need you” witch was send by Alexander Graham Bell to one of his assistants. He was inspired because of Samuel Morse’s invention of the telegraph in 1843. He was inspired because the telegraph had made instant communication possible between two different people at two different locations in no time. However he thought that it wasn't as good and as fast because it still required for hand delivery of one messages between telegraph stations to another. Also because only one message could be send at a time. Alexander Graham Bell wanted to create somethings better then the telegraph and improve the communication system. So he improve on this by creating somethings called “harmonic telegraph” this device combined things that the telegraph had and record player to allow the people to speak to each other from a locations. On his first telephone the sound waves caused an electric current with intensity and frequency that causing a thin and soft iron plate that was called the diaphragm it vibrated. The vibrations were transferred magnetically to another wire that was connected to a diaphragm in to another distant instrument. Then when that diaphragm vibrate the original sound would be heard in the ear of the instrument once it was finally finished. Alexander Graham Bell patent filing beat a similar claim by a guy named Elisha Gray. He had beaten him by only two hours. Because he didn't want to be shut out of the communications market the Western Union Telegraph Company employed Gray and a famous inventor named Thomas Edison to develop their own telephone technology. But Alexander Graham Bell didn't like that so he sued and the case went all the way to the Supreme Court. Alexander Graham Bell upheld His patent rights and this gave him the win. Witch then this his company called the Bell Company that time witch then changed to American Telephone and Telegraph or as we now know as AT&T.
This had a great impact in many peoples life's back then. One way it did was Such a young Scottish that worked in London with his father was able to create such I useful invention. However Alexander Graham Bell wasn't only very helpful by making the telephone he help to teach speaking to the deaf. However one of the melts important thing it did It was that it helped this nation as a whole to progress. It made the the life of people a little more easy. This invention still now a days has a great impact.
One way Alexander Graham Bell invention affects me is because with out it I won't be able to do my on this day and turn it in before its 3:15. It also helps not only me but other people also when they have a emergency. They are able to contact the hospital so they can get a doctor to help them. The telephone has help many people get closer to each other even if they are far way. For example I have a sister that I wish I could see because I have seen her in 12 years and I wish I could see her again but I can't so the telephone as help me stay in contact with her. It has also had may improvements and now I could FaceTime with my family far away. It isn't the same as having the people you love with you but it helps you talk to them so you could know there okay.
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