This day in history on January 11, 1908, it was when the twenty six president Theodore Roosevelt who had a particular affection for American west made the Grand Canyon in northwestern Arizona into a national monument. Also the Congress didn't let any private development in the Grand Canyon. Then later on in 1919 President Woodrow Wilson then signed a act that made it a park. That act was called the Grand Canyon National Park Act. During 13 century there wore still some native Americans this still live in or near the Grand Canyon. Later on by the end of the 19th century the Grand Canyon had thousands of tourists each year that came to visit it. Now days nearly more then 5 million people visited the Grand Canyon every year. Later on Theodore Roosevelt became one of its most famous tourist that visit the Grand Canyon. The monument was 800 acres of land. When the first time the European knew of the Grand Canyon existence was until 1540. The reason was because the members of an expedition who's leader was a famous Spanish explorer called Francisco Vasquez de Coronado. The reason for this was because of its location and how it was manny centuries passed before North American settlers actually explored the Grand Canyon. The first American exploration started by a group 10 men that wore lead by a men call geologist John Wesley Powell. Geologist John Wesley Powell explosion took place in 1869. The explosion started on the Colorado River and had to go for 277 mile long. This trip was hard for them because they did this in only four rowboats. However after Theodore Roosevelt become a president he made environmental conservation a big part of his presidency and made it one of his mine points. After establishing the National Wildlife Refuge to take care of the country’s animals. Roosevelt put more important in the federal regulation of public lands. Even though a area could be a national park all private development on that land was illegal only by an act of Congress but Roosevelt changed things by beginning a new presidential practice of a similar to national monument designation for the West’s greatest treasures.
This affect them in many different ways. One way it affected then was that they couldn't build and private industry because it would be illegal. However it was easy for people to get there. One way to get to the Grand Canyon it is by foot easy to get there when you don't have a car to move around. There are many other ways such as by car or boat. This help them also economically also because of how they got more tourists to came in and see then Grand Canyon. However these tourists bought things like souvenirs. Another way it could affect them because they got a great population near the area was by the Gand Canyon.
This also has a great affect on us because we use it to for many different like extreme sports such as whitewater rafting and hiking. One of the most popular this to do their is for running. Many choose to to enjoy the beautiful and breathtaking view from the canyon. This monument has become history for us because it's been unchanged for over 400 years. This also affects us because it can inspire people of the beauty that God has created for us. It also helps want to learn about it and know its history.
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