On this day in history 1950 it was when 11 men pulled off one of the most historical robbery that had ever took place. This robbery took place in Boston Massachusetts where the 11 men stole from the Brinks Armored Car depot more than $2 million dollars in cash, coins, checks and money orders. The leader of the group was a guy called Anthony Pino or well knows as fats Pino. Anthony was really smart and new what he was doing because this wasn't his first time committing crimes. Anthony robbed for a living and he used his knowledge and recruited a group of 10 other men to recorded everything that happened at the depot for 18 months so they can know when it has the most amount of money so they can steal it. Anthony's men wore able to steal plans for the depot’s alarm system so they could know where it was at and how to turn it off and then returning them before anyone could ever noticed that they were gone. The way they dressed was really smart and the techniques they used. They went inside the depot with copied keys of the depot and tying up several of the employees that wore inside the company’s counting room. However they wore wearing things to make others think that they wore employees so people wouldn't suspect who they wore, so the had navy blue coats and caps that looked alike to the Brinks employee uniforms but the only difference was that they wore wearing rubber Halloween masks with it so they could hide their faces. The robbery was the perfect crime. Just because it was the perfect crime doesn't mean that they didn't have problems by filling 14 bags with with 2 million dollars witch weighted a total of more than half a ton the men had to struggle and carry all that money and in their getaway car. This took them about 30 minutes. Everything was going so perfect for them and until the robbers wore caught on January 1956 because of one of the men called Joseph O’Keefe was being looked for because of another robbery. When the group found out they thought he was going to snitch on them about the money. So they send people to kill him so he won't talk but the cops got him before they could kill him. Later on he made a deal with the F.B.I and just days before the statute of limitations for the theft expired the men wore caught.
This affect the whole country back in those time. The reason why was because the amount of money was big and no one had every stole so much money in 30 minutes until that day. This made lots of residents have mix emotions. Some people wore amazing of the amount of money they stoled and how long they had it with out getting caught and with out leavening evidence but the tops that they used to tie the employees. Other people wore scared because they felt unsafe and they felt that what if that could of been there money. However people wore also very angry of how they went pass there security sit with out getting caught and for them to have copies of the keys. This got the owner very angers because it made him look like a fool. He was also mad because they had to face lawsuit for the owners of the money that was told. This had a great impact in the people because all they want was pease but with this they feel unsafe for them and their money also.
This also had a great effort on us because it this help the security system to be reinforced and with better technology that would make it hard to get through. It also affected us because of events like these are the reason why people don't have trust them with their money. This also could have inspired some to stop other from doing crimes like those. It could have also inspired another brainless person to steal a greater amount of money so he could make history also. This has both negative and positive affects on us.
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