On this day in history in February 25, 1964, a guy named Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. who was born in Louisville, Kentucky made history at such a young age. On February 25, 1964, a crowd of 8,300 spectators gathered at the Convention Hall arena in Miami Beach to see if Cassius Clay, who was nicknamed the “Louisville Lip,” could put his money where his mouth was. At 22 years old Cassius Clay surprise million of people when he shocks the odds makers by take the title away from being the heavyweight boxing champion from the champ Sonny Liston in a seventh round technical knockout. Everyone expected Liston to win the fight because he had beaten the twice former champ Floyd Patterson in one round. In that fight he was at 8 to 1 favorite but Clay predicted his victory. This made his saying really famous “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” by knock out Liston in the eighth round.Complaining of an injured shoulder was in the seventh round is what caused home to lose the fight. It failed to answer the seventh round bell. Then a few moments later we had a new heavyweight champion was proclaimed. Then later on he rejected the name originally given to his family by a slave owner and took the Muslim name of Muhammad Ali.
Muhammad Ali became a great influence to them at that time. Then he would go on to become one of the 20th century’s greatest boxing figures. This also impacted my people because they wore able to witness how he was put in the International Boxing Hall of Fame. Also because at the time back wore still treated unfairly he was able to light the Olympic flame at the opening ceremonies of the Summer Games in Atlanta, Georgia. However he also inspected his daughter Laila who started her boxing debut in 1999.
This also affects us because at a White House ceremony in November 2005 Ali was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. I was able to see the ceremony and be inspired. This made me want to be as great as he was. I wanted to fight like him. Also get all the awards and because better then him. It also affects us because he became part of our child hood.
Friday, February 26, 2016
Thursday, February 18, 2016
On this day in history on February 19, 1847 it was when 89 people from Donner Party witch included 31 members of the Donner and Reed family wore first rescuers reach after getting lost. The group of emigrants wore by snow in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. There journey started in the summer of 1846, went out on their wagons to the wagon train from Springfield in Illinois. There reason they left there home is because they want to go to California to start out a new life, other moved to because of the gold and free land. Other wore trying to get away from their debts. So this meant that they wanted to get to California as soon as possible and get there fast so after they arrived at Fort Bridger in Wyoming. They had decided to not take the usual route and try a new trail witch was recently made by a California promoter named Lansford Hastings witch they called The Hastings Cutoff. Witch they thought would be a faster route to California. They took this train after they elected George Donner as their captain of the Donner party. When the Donner party took the cutoff on Fort Bridger it was around the middle of July. But to their surprise the shortcut was nothing wasn't anything of what they expect, it wasn't even short at all. The Hastings Cutoff made the Donner Party back nearly three weeks and cost them much of their needed supplies. They suffered great a lot in the Wasatch Mountains and also on the Great Salt Lake Desert and along the Humboldt River. Once they finally reached the Sierra Nevada Mountains it was in the beginning of October. The group then divided it's self but most of the group stayed near the a lake witch it is now known as Donner Lake. Others like the Donner family and had made a camp that was six miles away. They quickly started running out of food and supplies so they building tents out of their wagons and killing their oxen for food. But fifteen of their stronger people witch are now known as the Forlorn Hope. They l set out west on snowshoes for to find help on December 16. Then finally 2 weeks later after really bad weather and the lack of supplies killed many of the group members. Because of the lack of food this made them do cannibalism. luckily 7 group members wore able to reached a Native American village.Then later on the Sutter’s Fort got the best of the Donner Party and they made rescue party that set out on January 31 and wore able to find them 20 days later. When they wore finally rescued the camp was completely covered with snow on. They wore all in bad conditions and out of the 85 only 45 actually made it to California.
This had a great impact in people back then especially the rescuers how saw the dead people there and also how other people had eaten the others. They might have been scared because they had to good the starving group. They might have feared for their life also from being eaten. However this could have been a great experience for them because they help save others peoples life's. The most important way it impacted them was that it inspired three more rescue parties to help. Then way way this affected them negatively is because this could have got people scared to go on those trails to get to California.
However this had a great affect on us it help improve navigation systems. It also help us be more smarter and prepare ourself for long trips. Other things that improve because of this wore the rescue party's. They way they improve was so they could find a way to save more life faster and for it to be easy to find people that are lost a and need help. This had a great affect on me also because it helped me appreciate the good I get every day. It's also impacts me because it make me feel sorry for these people and gives me courage to help other who need it.
This had a great impact in people back then especially the rescuers how saw the dead people there and also how other people had eaten the others. They might have been scared because they had to good the starving group. They might have feared for their life also from being eaten. However this could have been a great experience for them because they help save others peoples life's. The most important way it impacted them was that it inspired three more rescue parties to help. Then way way this affected them negatively is because this could have got people scared to go on those trails to get to California.
However this had a great affect on us it help improve navigation systems. It also help us be more smarter and prepare ourself for long trips. Other things that improve because of this wore the rescue party's. They way they improve was so they could find a way to save more life faster and for it to be easy to find people that are lost a and need help. This had a great affect on me also because it helped me appreciate the good I get every day. It's also impacts me because it make me feel sorry for these people and gives me courage to help other who need it.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
On this day in history on February 7 1876 it was when 29 year old Scottish guy named Alexander Graham Bell was finally able to receives a patent to be able to create his investigation witch it became a revolutionary invention of the new telephone. When Alexander Graham Bell was in Boston he became very interested in the possibility of transmitting speech over wires so people can speak to theirs easier. He was able to accomplish this with the help of a famous guy named Thomas Watson how was a machine shop employee. But hree days after it was made the telephone carried its first message the famous “Mr. Watson, come here, I need you” witch was send by Alexander Graham Bell to one of his assistants. He was inspired because of Samuel Morse’s invention of the telegraph in 1843. He was inspired because the telegraph had made instant communication possible between two different people at two different locations in no time. However he thought that it wasn't as good and as fast because it still required for hand delivery of one messages between telegraph stations to another. Also because only one message could be send at a time. Alexander Graham Bell wanted to create somethings better then the telegraph and improve the communication system. So he improve on this by creating somethings called “harmonic telegraph” this device combined things that the telegraph had and record player to allow the people to speak to each other from a locations. On his first telephone the sound waves caused an electric current with intensity and frequency that causing a thin and soft iron plate that was called the diaphragm it vibrated. The vibrations were transferred magnetically to another wire that was connected to a diaphragm in to another distant instrument. Then when that diaphragm vibrate the original sound would be heard in the ear of the instrument once it was finally finished. Alexander Graham Bell patent filing beat a similar claim by a guy named Elisha Gray. He had beaten him by only two hours. Because he didn't want to be shut out of the communications market the Western Union Telegraph Company employed Gray and a famous inventor named Thomas Edison to develop their own telephone technology. But Alexander Graham Bell didn't like that so he sued and the case went all the way to the Supreme Court. Alexander Graham Bell upheld His patent rights and this gave him the win. Witch then this his company called the Bell Company that time witch then changed to American Telephone and Telegraph or as we now know as AT&T.
This had a great impact in many peoples life's back then. One way it did was Such a young Scottish that worked in London with his father was able to create such I useful invention. However Alexander Graham Bell wasn't only very helpful by making the telephone he help to teach speaking to the deaf. However one of the melts important thing it did It was that it helped this nation as a whole to progress. It made the the life of people a little more easy. This invention still now a days has a great impact.
One way Alexander Graham Bell invention affects me is because with out it I won't be able to do my on this day and turn it in before its 3:15. It also helps not only me but other people also when they have a emergency. They are able to contact the hospital so they can get a doctor to help them. The telephone has help many people get closer to each other even if they are far way. For example I have a sister that I wish I could see because I have seen her in 12 years and I wish I could see her again but I can't so the telephone as help me stay in contact with her. It has also had may improvements and now I could FaceTime with my family far away. It isn't the same as having the people you love with you but it helps you talk to them so you could know there okay.
This had a great impact in many peoples life's back then. One way it did was Such a young Scottish that worked in London with his father was able to create such I useful invention. However Alexander Graham Bell wasn't only very helpful by making the telephone he help to teach speaking to the deaf. However one of the melts important thing it did It was that it helped this nation as a whole to progress. It made the the life of people a little more easy. This invention still now a days has a great impact.
One way Alexander Graham Bell invention affects me is because with out it I won't be able to do my on this day and turn it in before its 3:15. It also helps not only me but other people also when they have a emergency. They are able to contact the hospital so they can get a doctor to help them. The telephone has help many people get closer to each other even if they are far way. For example I have a sister that I wish I could see because I have seen her in 12 years and I wish I could see her again but I can't so the telephone as help me stay in contact with her. It has also had may improvements and now I could FaceTime with my family far away. It isn't the same as having the people you love with you but it helps you talk to them so you could know there okay.
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